Eid-ul-Fitri or Hari Raya is a joyous occasion celebrating the conclusion of Ramadan. Management and Science University (MSU) held its annual Raya Open House this July in the tradition of Majlis Terbuka MSU and MSU College.
Among the guests of honour attending the MSU Raya Open House 2019 were the Minister of Foreign Affairs Malaysia, YB Dato’ Saifuddin Abdullah, and Federal Minister YB Tuan Haji Khalid Samad.
Members of industry included representatives to MSU’s University Industry Advisory Panel (UIAP).
The guest list also included local authorities.

Media partners attending included NSTP, The Star, and TV Al-Hijrah.

Also invited were members of MSU’s alumni association and the Student Representative Council (SRC).

The buffet spread included traditional Raya dishes such as rendang and lemang; as well as local all-time favourites and delicacies both sweet and savoury.
Guests were entertained by MSU’s own musical talents.