It’s final exam week for MSUrians and final exam means stress. It’s not really a pleasant scene seeing all these stressed out MSUrians but is such stress really that bad?
You might be surprised to know that studying under stress could actually help you memorize your facts and information better!There are studies proving that hormones such as cortisols and adrenalines, released when one is stressed out, could actually help with increasing learning abilities!
Yes, that is great news. It could mean there would be no problem if you want to cram all your studying into one day before your exam. But are we really just about making through with exam and tests? Of course not! We are all about actual learning and making a difference with our knowledge.
Studying at the eleventh hour may have been proven to be effective for your memory. Yet another study shows that for actual learning to occur, we really need to be in a stress-free condition for our mind to effectively process complex information and creatively solve problems. And as MSUrians, we are all about engaging in real learning experiences and getting the whole picture. Stress may be good for studying but inevitably bad for your health. So stop procrastinating and get to studying for your exams! Good luck MSUrians!
How are you holding up so far for final exam? Tweet us @MSUmalaysia! If you need help managing your stress, click here! Take care of your mental health MSUrians!
It’s final exam week for MSUrians and final exam means stress. It’s not really a pleasant scene seeing all these stressed out MSUrians but is such stress really that bad?
You might be surprised to know that studying under stress could actually help you memorize your facts and information better!There are studies proving that hormones such as cortisols and adrenalines, released when one is stressed out, could actually help with increasing learning abilities!
Yes, that is great news. It could mean there would be no problem if you want to cram all your studying into one day before your exam. But are we really just about making through with exam and tests? Of course not! We are all about actual learning and making a difference with our knowledge.
Studying at the eleventh hour may have been proven to be effective for your memory. Yet another study shows that for actual learning to occur, we really need to be in a stress-free condition for our mind to effectively process complex information and creatively solve problems. And as MSUrians, we are all about engaging in real learning experiences and getting the whole picture. Stress may be good for studying but inevitably bad for your health. So stop procrastinating and get to studying for your exams! Good luck MSUrians!
How are you holding up so far for final exam? Tweet us @MSUmalaysia! If you need help managing your stress, click here! Take care of your mental health MSUrians!