Fire can double in size in a matter of seconds and you need to act quickly. Knowing what to do in case of fire can save many lives. Talking about fire and imagining someone getting hurt is scary, but having the knowledge and being prepared with what to do in case of fire can make you less worried. We would like to make sure that every MSUrian know how to react and what to do in case of fire, so let’s get on with it!


First thing to do 

If you happened to spot the fire, quickly pull the fire alarm. Yell ‘FIRE!’ as loud as you can, and leave the area, and warn other people to evacuate as well. 

If the fire is small enough, grab the nearest fire extinguisher and quickly direct it at the fire. Bear in mind that you SHOULDN’T stand too close to the fire. 

Contain the fire by closing the door of the area where the fire broke out. This can stop the fire from spreading too fast, giving time for people to evacuate. 



Getting out 

Everytime you get to a room, a classroom or a lecture theatre, make sure you locate the exit. Know where the doors are, and if there is only one door, check that the windows can be opened. 

Do not use the elevators no matter what happens. Locate the Assembly Point, which is U-Square, and get there using the nearest staircase. Remember to keep your head low to avoid inhaling too much smoke (hot air rises). 

Know your building’s emergency escape route. You can find this information near the elevators and the stairs . Help other people ONLY IF it is safe enough. If there are trapped victims that you can’t help because it is not safe for you, alert the authorities. 



Staying in 

If you find it impossible to get out of the area you are in, don’t panic. If the fire is outside your door, close the door to prevent the fire from getting in but don’t lock the door so rescuers may come save you. 

If you have your phone with you, contact your friend/lecturer or anyone you know who are familiar with the campus and inform the location where you are trapped in. They may help the authorities to find you quickly. If there is a window, open it and shout out ‘HELP!’ and attract attention. Wave anything suitable lying within your safe reach. 

Also help yourself by covering your mouth and nose with a piece of clean, damp cloth while you wait for rescue. 



We hope you get something from this article and share it around with your loved ones. A friendly reminder: do not tamper with any of the fire safety equipment such as the alarm, the extinguishers, and the hoses provided on campus. Do not use the fire extinguisher as a door stopper, too! It’s dangerous and you might cost someone his/her life! Remember, fire safety starts with you!


To report any damage to the on-campus fire safety equipment, or share anything of concern to on-campus safety, just connect with us on our Facebook and Twitter! You can also find more info about the safety procedure in case of fire at MSU through the Emergency Evacuation Plan. Need more tips? Click here!

Fire can double in size in a matter of seconds and you need to act quickly. Knowing what to do in case of fire can save many lives. Talking about fire and imagining someone getting hurt is scary, but having the knowledge and being prepared with what to do in case of fire can make you less worried. We would like to make sure that every MSUrian know how to react and what to do in case of fire, so let’s get on with it!


First thing to do 

If you happened to spot the fire, quickly pull the fire alarm. Yell ‘FIRE!’ as loud as you can, and leave the area, and warn other people to evacuate as well. 

If the fire is small enough, grab the nearest fire extinguisher and quickly direct it at the fire. Bear in mind that you SHOULDN’T stand too close to the fire. 

Contain the fire by closing the door of the area where the fire broke out. This can stop the fire from spreading too fast, giving time for people to evacuate. 



Getting out 

Everytime you get to a room, a classroom or a lecture theatre, make sure you locate the exit. Know where the doors are, and if there is only one door, check that the windows can be opened. 

Do not use the elevators no matter what happens. Locate the Assembly Point, which is U-Square, and get there using the nearest staircase. Remember to keep your head low to avoid inhaling too much smoke (hot air rises). 

Know your building’s emergency escape route. You can find this information near the elevators and the stairs . Help other people ONLY IF it is safe enough. If there are trapped victims that you can’t help because it is not safe for you, alert the authorities. 



Staying in 

If you find it impossible to get out of the area you are in, don’t panic. If the fire is outside your door, close the door to prevent the fire from getting in but don’t lock the door so rescuers may come save you. 

If you have your phone with you, contact your friend/lecturer or anyone you know who are familiar with the campus and inform the location where you are trapped in. They may help the authorities to find you quickly. If there is a window, open it and shout out ‘HELP!’ and attract attention. Wave anything suitable lying within your safe reach. 

Also help yourself by covering your mouth and nose with a piece of clean, damp cloth while you wait for rescue. 



We hope you get something from this article and share it around with your loved ones. A friendly reminder: do not tamper with any of the fire safety equipment such as the alarm, the extinguishers, and the hoses provided on campus. Do not use the fire extinguisher as a door stopper, too! It’s dangerous and you might cost someone his/her life! Remember, fire safety starts with you!


To report any damage to the on-campus fire safety equipment, or share anything of concern to on-campus safety, just connect with us on our Facebook and Twitter! You can also find more info about the safety procedure in case of fire at MSU through the Emergency Evacuation Plan. Need more tips? Click here!