Health Advisory on Pandemic COVID-19


To all Management & Science Students, Staff and those concerned,

The Management & Science University (MSU) highly regards the safety and well-being of everyone in view of the current development of COVID-19 in Malaysia and overseas, and based on the general advisories of the Ministry of Health and Ministry of Education, Malaysia and The World Health Organization (WHO), which has raised the global COVID-19 risk to its PANDEMIC level.

Preceding to this notice, thank you to all for the cooperation in observing the precautionary measures outlined through this link :

Reflecting on the number of high-risked countries and how this outbreak affects everyone, MSU reiterates its firm stand, and strongly reminds all students and staff that extra precautionary measures are to be taken to contain the situation. 



  1. WHO has declared COVID-19 a pandemic on 11th March 2020. As of 13th March 2020, the total confirmed cases was 128,352 globally, with China having the highest death tolls at 4,953. There have also been recovered cases of 68,324, due to the measures taken to curb its spread.

  2. In Malaysia, as of 16th March 2020, 8.00am, there have been 428 confirmed cases, and if there are no immediate actions to be taken, this figure could increase within days.

  3. There have been efforts in increasing security in public places such as institutions.

  4. All around the world, the WHO has also recommended limiting our physical social contact to contain the COVID-19 pandemic, and to stay connected with the right sources via social media etc. 



It is UTMOST IMPORTANT that all necessary directives by the Malaysian government are strictly adhered to. The conditions have impacted everyone in all aspects of medical, economic and psychological in terms of preparedness, readiness and overcoming the stressful situation. As of this date, there are NO confirmed COVID-19 cases among MSU students and staff.


The MSU management has reviewed the situations at hand and are addressing these precautionary measures that are to be STRICTLY FOLLOWED by everyone:



  1. SCHEDULED SANITISATION of all the public and identifies areas to be done for the next couple of weeks or till further instructed. These areas include the classrooms, common areas, toilets, elevators and door handles. Antibacterial soaps will also be provided in the toilets/hand washing area.

  2. TEMPERATURE checks at all entrances. 

  3. DESIGNATED MEETING VENUES are implemented at Level 2 to ensure minimal movements of outsiders to the campus. Visitors will also be asked to report to the security during arrival to and exiting the campus.

  4. TRAVEL BANS to countries as outlined by the Malaysian government are MANDATORY to all MSU staff and students. Be aware of the latest countries enlisted from time to time. All are to observe guides by the university in regard to mobility programs to and from the listed countries.

  5. NO MASS GATHERINGS ARE ALLOWED. The management of MSU/ MSU Group of Colleges have also decided the postponement of all these events including

  6. AVOID large gatherings in fear of encountering the sick. MSU has stopped participation in nationwide exhibitions, road shows, carnivals and community engagements. 

  7. BRIEFINGS conducted on self-examining and monitoring of the health conditions among our families, friends or anyone in our daily close contacts. If they are showing the symptoms of COVID-19 – fever, coughing, sneezing and / or experiencing respiratory conditions, seek medical attention at once.

  8. OBSERVATION on diligent practice of personal hygiene. Awareness starts with you – avoid touching your nose, mouth and eyes. SANITISE / WASH your hands.

  9. DO isolate yourself and distance yourself if necessary, by staying at home as well as avoiding public places. Be vigilant of others. BE UNDERSTANDING.

  10. BE AWARE of the latest information on the COVID-19 through official platforms, particularly the Ministry of Health (KKM) for current developments.  

  11. REFER as well to MSU’s official website, as well as the official social media platforms, on latest news and announcements. 

  12. DO NOT spread or share un-verified contents or messages, including news or articles that are doubtful or non-resourceful.


For the teaching and learning to take place as scheduled. MSU takes the immediate action of preparing for major changes in the daily operative schedule and tasks. 

These implementations will include:

  1. All academicians (professors/ lecturers/ tutors) will mobilise all classes and start preparing for BLENDED delivery and ONLINE ASSESSMENTS immediately.

  2. All academicians are to also prepare lectures/classes by developing digital/ online teaching materials using the appropriate platforms and available search engines. Leverage on the engines specific to your subject matter.

  3. Internships/ clinical trainings will resume as scheduled or advised by the faculties/schools/centres. HOWEVER, all measures and directives from the government/ authority/ professional bodies are to be adhered to and updated from time to time to ensure the spread of COVID-19 can be curbed.

  4. It is the prerogative of the management, if due to verified medical assessment by professional may include working from home, will be advised.


  1. With the current development with the COVID-19, the Management & Science University (MSU) urges necessary precautions and measures to ensure priorities on students and staff health-safety and well-being are firsts.

  2. The university management, as well as the MSU Medical Centre Specialist Hospital, are actively engaged on current trending events relating to the development of the outbreak including via the Centre for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) that is closely monitoring an outbreak of respiratory illness caused by COVID-19. 

  3. We also have the responsibility of ensuring that the health and safety of our students and staff are not compromised. We have continued to monitor the situation closely and are adjusting our internal policies to respond to this rapidly-evolving situation.

  4. Updates and guidelines from the World Health Organisation (WHO) and Malaysia’s Ministry of Health (MOH) are observed particularly on reducing exposure to and transmission of a range of illnesses. Maintaining basic hand and respiratory hygiene, and safe food practices and avoiding close contact, when possible, with anyone showing symptoms of respiratory illness such as coughing, and sneezing are necessary.

  5. MSU has taken the measures in our response to help contain any outbreak, by postponing all activities involving students and staff going to and coming from China. Precautionary measures are also taken as well towards other affected countries, including Italy, South Korea, Japan, Iran, Singapore and Hong Kong to name a few. 


As guides, these are immediate measures necessary to be taken:

  1. Postponement of ALL mobility programs for students or staff to China. This includes classes, visits, teaching commitments etc.

  2. International students who have visited the affected countries must report to the Global Affairs Department upon returning to MSU.

  3. The measures taken will also affect students and staff mobility activities between MSU and its partners in China (and affected countries). The steps taken are in the best interest of all involved and we hope that situation will improve soon.

  4. Quarantines instructions by the authority will be adhered as well. However, in any circumstances arise and there is a need to MSU to implement the quarantine exercise to individual person(s), it is MSU or MSUC’s right to do so.

  5. Any staff or students showing symptoms such as fever, coughing, sneezing and / or experiencing respiratory conditions, must seek medical attention immediately

  6. The medical team from MSU Medical Centre Specialist Hospital are put on standby for further necessary assistance.

  7. Exercise good hygiene. Sanitise and wear facial masks if you are experiencing any mild illness.

  8. Use alcohol wipes to sanitise surfaces such as desks and items such as telephones that are shared, regularly with disinfectants to halt contamination.

  9. Be cautious of the surroundings and maintain proximity.



  1. Cleanliness is vital. Wash your hands regularly for min of 20 seconds each wash. There are many ways to do this. Click here for shared video by MSUMC :

  2. Wear facial masks if you are experiencing symptoms of the illness.

  3. Provide enough tissues at the workplace for easy access in case on developing runny nose etc. as well as hygienic bins for disposing the items. 

  4. Know how and when to distant ourselves.


  1. Wash hands regularly, particularly when moving from one place to another or whenever you feel necessary.

  2. Minimise group activities; rather, enjoy time having small discussion and engagements.

  3. Prepare facial masks and wear them if you are having flue or coughing, to avoid spreading the illness to others. Do not re-use masks.

  4. Stay at home if you require extra attention and rest well.

COVID-19 is a serious public health crisis and we must take all matters into consideration. We are confident that the affected countries’ authorities are doing their best to arrest the issue based on the available resources.

We thank you everyone, for your support and cooperation in ensuring mitigation around these difficult times would be as seamless as possible. We will update on the developments as they arise, and continuous review of all the actions taken. 

In the meantime, be aware of your surroundings, be alert and stay safe always.


Best regards.

Prof Tan Sri Dato Wira Dr Mohd Shukri Ab Yajid
President, Management & Science University