1st International Bioinformatics and Health Symposium (InBHIs) on 3rd March 2021 is an annual symposium organized by Faculty of Health & Life Sciences, Management & Science University. For the first time, this event will be conducted virtually in light of Malaysia’s Movement Restriction Order and global restrictions due to the COVID-19 pandemic.

With the theme ''Fostering Interdisplinary Research in New Norm Era", InBHIs this year aims to promote holistic approach to research skills despite the current situation; in-line with the sustainable development goal of the university. Researchers will have thechance to showcase their research findings and exchange ideas with peers and experts in similar fields, with partner universities around the world.

This virtual meeting will consist of a keynote, plenary sessions and e-posters.

Fostering Interdisplinary Research in New Norm Era

Who Should Attend
Researchers, practitioners, academicians and students in the fields of bioinformatics, health informatics, drug design and various other disciplines in the medical and health sciences field.