New Norm Community Engagement
“Virtual” has become ‘the word’ ever since the pandemic hits the world. Providing effective virtual learning experience has been a challenge for most, but not for all. Organizing virtual industrial and community engagement were MSUrians from MSU College Sabah.
#Listen2Donate is a sharing session with the Chairman of Skuad Komuniti Prihatin Sabah (SkuadKPS), Mr. Mohd Taufik Ismail. This association is involved in many community service activities in Sabah. He shared about his experience; related activities conducted and the procedures to be followed during the Covid-19 pandemic. The collection of participation fees for this activity were handed over to the SkuadKPS to carry out community activities in the future. Indirectly, this activity cultivates a Giving and Grateful (2G) culture among students.

MSU College Sabah also collaborated with Sabah Wetland Conservation Society on a virtual talk to create awareness regarding importance of mangrove forest. The name of the program was Mangrove Talk: Save the Nature, attended by 79 members of Kembara Club. The students also asked various questions during this session and they are looking forward to doing community service physically in the future.

Covid-19 which lasted for a year forced for a virtual tour to be implemented. The Sabah State Museum gladly hosted virtual visits for our Sabahan MSUrians. Organized in conjunction with Malaysia Day, was aimed to increase the spirit of patriotism. In addition, students gain more knowledge of the history and the unique culture of Sabah. This relaxing activity helped the students to destress, especially during the Movement Control Order (MCO).