Unlike the previous years, this year’s Dean’s List Award Ceremony took place virtually on Zoom where students and family members were able to experience the ceremony at the comfort of their own homes. The ceremony was pre-recorded at Level 15, Management Tower with the assistance from the Media Strategy & Communication (MSC) team.

The event was graced by the presence of the Dean of School of Education and Social Sciences, Prof. Datin Dr. Norhisham Mohamad who delivered some meaningful advices to the students in her opening speech. Throughout the ceremony, a total of 420 dean’s list students from the foundation, diploma and bachelor levels over various programs under SESS were celebrated.

This event was organized to acknowledge and honour these students who have given their best and performed exceptionally well in their studies. Regardless the current situation the School of Education and Social Sciences (SESS) strives to continue in organizing such activities to instil the motivation in students to always strive better in their studies. This is to ensure a strong sense of belonging between the students and their faculty is established along their meaningful journey in MSU.