World Turtle Day falls on the 23rd of May every year, specially created to celebrate, educate, and create awareness about this precious creature as they are suffering and almost on the edge of extinction. This day also reminds us that only protecting and conserving them can save their future.

Turtles are amazing, they have lived on earth since there were dinosaurs. We have learned about them since we were young but have we ever tried to understand their personality? Turtles have interesting personalities that carry so many values and life lessons that can help improve our lives mainly during these hard times that might affect your mental health wellbeing.
These are some good traits that we can learn from turtles:
Keep faith that you’ll make it through.
After the mother turtle lay their eggs, they will leave them and swim back to the ocean. Once the eggs are hatched, the baby turtles must reach the ocean on their own. Was it risky? Yes! Did they give up? NO! It’s fascinating that they still have faith that they can somehow reach the sea and they will succeed, despite having no one to depend on.
Just like the pandemic. No matter how impossible things might be, always have faith that all the hardships in life will only make you stronger.
Stay grounded even in moments of disturbance and chaos.
A turtle is always calm no matter what happens, just like “Master Oogway” in Kungfu Panda. Always try putting yourself in a calm state when there is disturbance and chaos around you, it can help your brain relax and helps you take more wiser decisions because calmness always leads to peace. -
Sea turtles are believed to be determined creatures as they take vast journeys in the ocean to return to their nesting ground where they were hatched to lay their eggs. Determination is an important trait that everyone should have as it can shape a person to be disciplined and focused on reaching our life goals.
Slowing down and pace yourself
Just like turtles, just take it slow. A turtle goes around the ocean without rush, and after a long journey it comes back to its nesting ground to lay eggs peacefully. When things get a little hectic it is always okay to slowdown and pace yourself, then move on with life. So, if you are feeling stressed do take a break and start over.