Featured Alumni - Sateshvaran Rajendram

Sateshvaran Rajendram, also known as Satesh, is considered one of MSU College Seremban's best alumni. He holds a Management Diploma from MSU College Seremban and is currently pursuing a Bachelor's Degree in Human Capital Management at Management & Science University.

He has been a student who participates in martial arts activities, particularly taekwondo. He has also been involved in collegiate activities since the first day of registration, notably extracurricular ones like marathon running and rock climbing. He enjoys climbing and taekwondo, and he frequently participates in college-sponsored events.

He frequently participates in voluntary work, which includes initiatives to aid flood victims, blood donation campaigns, and many others. In addition to being charismatic, he is a responsible person. He never gets tired of making sure the social events he participates in accomplish their goals and have an impact on the programme since he has a vision to always assist others.

He already holds a position as an Immigration Officer in Seremban as a result of his participation in community activities and self-defense abilities. He also won the Outstanding Employee Award during his time at the Immigration Department. In the martial arts activities he enjoys, he has advanced to the position of instructor. If given the chance, he looks forward to the possibility of becoming a national coach. He also intends to mentor and develop fresh taekwondo stars from the college.