How to keep your New Year resolutions?
We are still in New Year mode at Management and Science University (MSU) and we are excited by what we have lined up for this year! But we are not here to talk about the New Year. Instead, we are here to talk about your New Year resolutions, and let’s be real, keeping yourself motivated to follow through with those new resolutions will always be a bit of a challenge. But don’t worry because we have just the tips to make sure you stay motivated all year long!

Yes, resolutions can be ambitious, but they should also be realistic. Don’t aim for goals that you know is impossible to achieve within the time frame you have.
It’s better to have realistic, achievable goals than that is unfeasible or stressing you out to achieve. Don’t beat yourself up, but instead take things at a reasonable pace!
If you need to have a third party’s view on your resolutions, try talking to your mentors. They have a lot of experiences, so chances are, they can help you set the realistic goals you need to have!
Smaller, progressively upgradable goals work better
Think of a big goal you want to achieve throughout the year or by the end of it. Then, set smaller goals that lead to the big goal and commit to those smaller goals. It’s all about achievability and consistency!
If your big goal is to graduate on time, then your smaller goals should be higher focus in class, more participation as a student, better engagement with your mentors, thorough preparation of assignment, etc. These smaller goals make your big goal more achievable one step at a time!

No matter what your goals are, you must have at least one reason for your goals. Identify the ultimate reason and constantly remind yourself of it.
For example, “I’m doing this for my health”, “I’m doing this for my future”, or “I want to be a better person”. Every time you feel like abandoning your resolutions, remind yourself of this most important reason again and again and again.
Temptations and setbacks are evil and they have got to go
No matter what your goals are, there will be setbacks and the temptation to give up (because let’s face it, it CAN be a struggle for you to achieve those goals). List them down and also your plans on how to deal with them.
This way, you’ll be giving yourself a heads-up of what’s coming, and you will know how to brace yourself for the expected barriers!

You are more likely to become motivated if you connect with people who have already achieved what you are still trying to do. For one, it proves to you that what you want is not impossible. For another, you will have guidance that can make your journey to your goal a little bit easier.
Keep in mind that everyone has his/her own way of doing things and takes different amounts of time to do them. Other people can be your guide but don’t try to be them!
Let’s keep hustling for achievement of your goals this year, MSUrians! What are your New Year resolutions? Let us know on MSU social media!