Intan Nabila bt Abdul Ghani

“5 years of MBBS programme was so enjoyable in Bangalore. MSU provided so many educated and experienced lecturers there. Each word of the lecturers is priceless to me. They taught me not only to be kind to patients, but towards society in a whole. They taught us to examine patients thoroughly without doing unnecessary investigations that might be costly for some people. We learnt how sincere they were in each treatment they gave.
Back then, I was also a member of Malaysian Students Association. MSU had given me so much experience by organizing many programs that really develop my soft skills by interacting with people with different social background. All the soft skills were so beneficial throughout my career. It is not in the book; thus, we must experience it.

I am so into business since I was a kid. During my study time, I have started with small business by selling sarees and products from India. With the entrepreneurial skill that I have learnt in MSU, I now own a clinic and I am so proud of it. I hope I can serve people sincerely, ethically. Money comes second. What comes first is a good service. My satisfaction is when I see familiar faces came back, and they brought their family too. It means I have gained their trust and they are happy with the service given. I do not want my patients to see my clinic as an ordinary clinic, I want them to feel like home, treated by their own family. Sometimes, that heals more than medication.

I really encourage all students, if you had the chance to join university’s programs, challenge yourself to become the leader! You will soon realize how that will help you in the future. We cannot buy confidence and experience. Ultimately, there's one investment that supersedes all others: Invest in yourself.
Intan Nabila Bt Ab Ghani (MBBS Class of 2015 of MSU Bangalore Campus)