A ship in harbour is safe, but that’s not what ships are built for.
I have never been the smartest or greatest in anything I do in life, but I've always look up and try to be like my role model (my brother). When I just started my degree in October 2018, I felt like giving up because in my mind I often feel like I lack a lot in studies when I compare myself to my batch mates. But constant encouragement and support from my mom and brother, I decided to continue and compete with my own self. Challenging yourself and coming out of your comfort zone is always important to keep us going forward. What I mean by that is, whenever I lack in something, I will challenge myself to be better and excel in it.

Passion and perseverance are what makes a person a high achiever. I choose to put in effort and work harder to gain that knowledge by searching for answers, discussing with friends, or even asking my lecturers. I personally prefer doing my own notes and going through it multiple time as it helps me remember better. It is essential to organize your time well each day (have a routine plan out) to have an optimum amount of time to study while having time to do things that you enjoy too. I understand the 'pain & struggle' of not understanding lectures at times and this is what truly inspire me to help others as I have been in this situation many times.

I often encourage people to ask questions without hesitation because the best way to learn is when we ask questions. Not only it will help my friends but also its a benefit for me as I get to understand the topic better. In my opinion, sharing knowledge among friends is the easiest way to help each other as we interpret and understand things differently. My batch mates are kind and always helpful which is one of the reasons why I could make it this far. Always share positive comments to one another as it helps boost mood and reduce some pressure whenever someone doubt themselves.
Apart from that, I am truly blessed with an amazing mentor who keeps advising me and lecturers that continuously put in so much effort to make us great students. A quote that was shared by my favourite lecturer to me is "Go as far as you can see, when you get there, you'll be able to see further" has help me to keep pushing myself forward. Therefore, I hope this will instil some motivation to the readers. I wish all the best in whatever you are doing and keep working hard because one day, your effort will be paid off. Thank you!
Zariedan Sultan
Year 3 MBBS student
President’s List Award Recipient