Heartiest congratulations to all SESS’ President’s List Award 2020 recipients. Excellent in both academic and co-curriculum have made them the recipients for this year’s President’s List Award. The recipients were, from left (in the picture), Nurfa Hazliani Binti Khairul from Bachelor in English Language and Literature Studies (BELS), Nur Izzaty Haziqah Binti Mat Jahaya from Bachelor in Early Childhood Education (BECE), Tan Siew Yi from Diploma in Education (TESL) (DTESL), Parvinder Kaur A/P Karpal Singh from Bachelor of Education (TESL) (BTESL), and Dayana Musfirah Binti Mustamam from Bachelor in Counselling and Guidance (BCG). SESS wishes them congratulations again and good luck in their future endeavour.