How Healthy Food Works

Did you know that sweet orange is twenty-five percent Pomelo and seventy-five percent Mandarin? Or that water infused with cucumber and honeydew has higher hydrating power? From ‘Healthy Foods for Growing Up’ to ' Healthy Food for the Future’, International Chefs Day themes celebrate not only how noble the profession is but also food in all its glory and importance in healthy-eating for health-keeping.
Healthy eating may be key to a long, happy and healthy life, but how do you choose between health foods? Chef’s choice can be your best bet.
Quinoa or Brown Rice?
Both are gluten-free and magnesium-rich (important for strong bones), thus are good for health; yet quinoa is the complete grain as it has lysine and eight essential amino acids.
Salmon or Tuna?
With seafood, the source and pre-processes are important. Between farmed and wild, for example, the latter is better.
Kale or Bok-Choy?
Both are good sources of fibre as they are leafy, yet kale is more nutritious and full of anti-oxidants. Kale can also be eaten raw, thus its nutrition value is better retained. Bok-choy, instead of blanched or stir-fried, can instead be blended with strong-tasting fruits such as orange or kiwi; to be consumed as a smoothie, retaining its nutritive value.
Coconut Oil or Olive Oil?
A diet high in saturated fat reduces your muscle’s ability to turn the sugar in food into energy, making you feel lethargic. Good fats, i.e., mono- as well as poly-unsaturates, effectively reduce the risk of heart disease, and both are present in olive oil. Virgin coconut oil also has good health benefits, and can be consumed in equal proportions to olive oil.
Flax or Chia?
Both are the creams of the crop for seeds. Each is rich in calcium, phosphorus, fibre, proteins, and fats, yet one is the more flexible. Chia seeds can be eaten whole or softened in water for use as a topping. Flax seeds, however, must be pounded to a powder first; it may then be sprinkled into a drink or enjoyed as a topping.