SHCA Club Activities
Clubs and societies are possibly one of the most important aspects of a student’s life. The University club can be a platform for a student develop their friendship, personal growth, career development and university inclusiveness. Club’s activities will give students skills and talents which they won’t be able to learn or develop through usual education method. There are 7 clubs in School of Hospitality and Creative Arts which are The Host Club, MSU Kitchen Army Club, Eventgers Club, Outdoor Recreation Club, Fashion Club. The Musician Club and Beauty and Spa Club.

In July and September session, SHCA club’s student has actively participated and organized several club activities which involving all SHCA students. The programmes are Annual General Meeting, Community Engagement Activities “Give Back,Big”, Assembly Dinner with SHCA Dean and participated in preparing of Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) for Front liners through M-ProteC project.
Due to Conditional Movement Control Order, the Annual General Meeting (AGM) has been successfully conducted as schedules through virtual meeting. During the AGM, Committee has updated to members on the achievements and work of the club over the year and appointed the new line up of committee members for the year 2020/2021.

Besides that, the club member’s also led their hand to help the frontline works to battling the coronavirus pandemic through M-ProteC Project. The student has involved in preparing PPE to the front liners by participating in cutting, sewing, and packing the PPE which to be distributed to several listed Hospital.
Community Service “Give Back, Big” program organized by Eventger Club. The Eventgers Club delivering donation boxes to Pusat Jagaan Anak-Anak Yatim Al- Rahmat Hikmah, Rumah Anak Yatim and Hidayah Al Hijrah, Hulu Langat. This community engagement program enables students to acquire life skills and knowledge, as well as provide a service to those who need it most.

On 9 October 2020, Fashion club and Beauty and Spa Club had successfully conducted an assembly dinner with Dean at Taman Tasik Shah Alam, Selangor. The purpose of the event is to strengthen the relationship between SHCA lecturers and students. During the program, some of the activities were planned and discussed such as community engagement activities, industrial talk and visit and upcoming competition.