Graduating! What’s next?

You’re graduating so you must be having all kinds of mixed feelings right now. Excited? Scared? Having the whole zoo in your belly? No matter what, you just have to relax, enjoy the experience, and start thinking of your after-graduation plans. Here is a list of what you may want to do after graduation;
Take some time to breathe It is perfectly okay if you want to take some time off relaxing at home, spending time with your family and taking the time to get things in order after graduation. But make sure you don’t take too long! Plan how much time off you need and stick to it!
Fulfil your wish list There must be so many things you had wanted to do before graduation but never had the time! From travelling to something as simple as binge-watching your favourite TV show, just list them down now and start checking them off one by one. Life is short, do all you can!
Start job hunting Job means money so you might want to start looking for a job right about now. Look up for offers on established websites. Do a background check on the company offering the job. Don’t forget to update your resume too! For more info on how to create a good resume, click here. Good luck!
Move up the ladder of knowledge “Knowledge has a beginning, but no end” – Geeta Iyengar. There’s a wide selection of postgraduate programs to choose from at MSU.
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