MSU 34th Convocation

Convocation Ceremony Protocols

The convocation ceremony is a formal university function; therefore, adherence to the dress code is compulsory. Failure to do so may result in being barred from participating in the ceremony.

Dress Code
Graduates are required to adhere to the dress code protocols as follows:

  1. MALE

    a. Attire :
    i. Black/ Dark Blue Baju Melayu with matching sampin, OR
    ii. Black/ Dark Blue Lounge Suit.

    b. Shoes: Leather/half-leather, black/dark color.
    c. Hair: Short and neat.


    a. Attire : Decent attire such as Baju Kurung, Kebaya, long skirts. Short skirts are not allowed.
    b. Shoes: Court shoes (stilettos are not encouraged).
    c. Hair: Neat.
  1. Strict adherence to all procedures is mandatory to ensure the ceremony runs smoothly while observing the required safety measures.

  2. Each graduand is allowed to invite ONLY TWO (2) GUESTS to the convocation ceremony.

  3. Graduands and parents/guests are not allowed to leave the ceremony until it ends.

  4. Children under 12 years old are not allowed to enter the hall.

  5. While graduands will enter the hall as guided by the Marshals, parents/guests will be ushered to their seats by the officer on duty on a first-come, first-served basis.

  6. Each parent/guest must present the invitation card to the officer on duty at the entrance of the hall.