MSU-DXL - MSU Diagnostics and Research Laboratory

The MSU Diagnostics and Research Laboratory (MSU-DXL) is the heartbeat of MSU Clinical Centre of Excellence (MyCeLL). This is where our medical and health sciences schools and faculty are represented by our dynamic research practices. The Faculty of Health and Life Sciences (FHLS), School of Pharmacy (SPH) and International Medical School (IMS) work collaboratively at MSU-DXL lab to ensure that inter-professional knowledge of the medical and health sciences profession is translated into practice and to elevate it further to ensure that it solves societal issues. Funded by the Ministry of Education’s Fundamental Research Grants and Applied Sciences Industry Grants, this lab provides a collaborative working environment and an experimental playground for our research students and experts from multidisciplinary fields of the medical and health sciences cluster.
This centre focuses on harnessing the strengths of our researchers from the fields of molecular biology, microbiology, biochemistry, pharmacokinetics, medicine, tissue culture, oncology, bioinformatics, nutrition, public health, and occupational safety and health. This multidisciplinary expertise creates a unique ecosystem for research, which enhances the education and teaching of our students. Private funding ensures the sustainability of MSU-DXL lab in its extended services to the community and in ensuring there is access to state-of-the-art facility and equipment. Access to these equipment by our clinicians and researchers continuously provide avenues of clinical research and development for the community partially subsidised by ongoing philanthropic means very much in line with the mission to care, heal and educate.

During the second wave of COVID-19 outbreak in Malaysia at the end of March 2020, our MSU-DXL lab answered the government’s cry for assistance in COVID-19 testing. The large numbers of samples and patients requiring confirmatory diagnosis have saturated the Ministry of Health's capacity and samples are sourced to satellite labs. Our researchers from the medical and health science cluster committed to this social responsibility by working as front-liners to provide results from RT-PCR tests and rapid tests kits recommended by the World Health Organization (WHO). The services provided and procedures used by MSU-DXL lab are ISO-recognised and compliant to international standards.

The lab is being funded by different public and private entities to increase its capacity in novel diagnostics techniques, vaccine research, cardiovascular health, mental health, addiction issues and other medical diagnoses in a pathology laboratory. This dynamic capacity supports the services provided by the MSU Medical Centre (MSUMC) to deliver the best healthcare in the region by caring, healing and educating not only the community but the faculty and students involved in this rich ecosystem of MSU-DXL to ensure that excellent research and diagnostics become a culture in transforming lives and enriching future.