Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) 2 for Zero Hunger and 12 for Sustainable Consumption and Production led to a Partnership for the Goals (SDG 17) by the School of Hospitality and Creative Arts (SHCA) at Management and Science University (MSU).



Enhanced by the MSU 2G culture of Giving and Grateful, the SHCA effort is a collaboration with Best Western i-City Shah Alam who provided the mushroom-based patties for the mini burgers, RH Premium, Sannis Frozen Products (M), and MSU Procurement Department.


For You 6.0: Plant-Based Mini Burgers is a rebrand from SHCA’s Puddings for You 5.0, Brownies for You 4.0, and Muffin for You 1.0 to 3.0 series.



Producing the thousand pieces of mini burgers at U-Plaza on campus in Shah Alam Section 13 were volunteers from various programmes alongside mentors from the MSU School of Hospitality and Creative Arts (SHCA) and their mentees of various nationalities.



Their flag-off by MSU President Professor Tan Sri Dato’ Wira Dr Mohd Shukri Ab Yajid saw 11 cars headed for Yayasan MSU High School Sekolah Bina Insan in Puchong and 10 shelters in the Klang Valley; Rumah Kasih Harmoni Sg Buloh, Pertubuhan Rahoma Fakir Malaysia Subang, Persatuan Anak Yatim Al-Muniram, Rumah Tumpangan dan Sekolah Anak-Anak Yatim dan Miskin Sungai Pinang, Pertubuhan Kebajikan dan Pendidikan Nur Kasih, Yayasan Anak-Anak Yatim Wardatul Jannah, Rumah Amal Al-Firdaus, Pertubuhan Rumah Nur Sakinah, Rumah Amal Kasih Bestari, and Teratak Nur Barakah.




Zakat, Iftar engagement with orphans 2023

Nurturing generations, building society

Three win 3R Masterchef Sustainability Challenge

Number 1 in Malaysia for Art and Design

World-ranked in Hospitality, Leisure Management



Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) 2 for Zero Hunger and 12 for Sustainable Consumption and Production led to a Partnership for the Goals (SDG 17) by the School of Hospitality and Creative Arts (SHCA) at Management and Science University (MSU).



Enhanced by the MSU 2G culture of Giving and Grateful, the SHCA effort is a collaboration with Best Western i-City Shah Alam who provided the mushroom-based patties for the mini burgers, RH Premium, Sannis Frozen Products (M), and MSU Procurement Department.


For You 6.0: Plant-Based Mini Burgers is a rebrand from SHCA’s Puddings for You 5.0, Brownies for You 4.0, and Muffin for You 1.0 to 3.0 series.



Producing the thousand pieces of mini burgers at U-Plaza on campus in Shah Alam Section 13 were volunteers from various programmes alongside mentors from the MSU School of Hospitality and Creative Arts (SHCA) and their mentees of various nationalities.



Their flag-off by MSU President Professor Tan Sri Dato’ Wira Dr Mohd Shukri Ab Yajid saw 11 cars headed for Yayasan MSU High School Sekolah Bina Insan in Puchong and 10 shelters in the Klang Valley; Rumah Kasih Harmoni Sg Buloh, Pertubuhan Rahoma Fakir Malaysia Subang, Persatuan Anak Yatim Al-Muniram, Rumah Tumpangan dan Sekolah Anak-Anak Yatim dan Miskin Sungai Pinang, Pertubuhan Kebajikan dan Pendidikan Nur Kasih, Yayasan Anak-Anak Yatim Wardatul Jannah, Rumah Amal Al-Firdaus, Pertubuhan Rumah Nur Sakinah, Rumah Amal Kasih Bestari, and Teratak Nur Barakah.




Zakat, Iftar engagement with orphans 2023

Nurturing generations, building society

Three win 3R Masterchef Sustainability Challenge

Number 1 in Malaysia for Art and Design

World-ranked in Hospitality, Leisure Management