Cars and all things mechanical or motorized are his passion. But so are conviction, commitment, courage, and care; all which make up his compass in life. Coming into academia from the corporate world is Dr Digo Thalattaniralalage Kingsley Bernard.
Currently a Senior Lecturer at the Sri Lanka Institute of Information Technology (SLIIT) Faculty of Business, Dr Kingsley Bernard carries a wealth of experience from his former tenure as CEO at Dankotuwa Porcelain PLC – a Sri Lankan/Japanese collaboration that has for three consecutive years been awarded Most Outstanding Exporter by Sri Lanka’s National Chamber of Exporters. His doctoral dissertation at the MSU Graduate School of Management (GSM) aims to shine a light on what he deems an important sector of the Sri Lankan economy – entrepreneurship microfinancing. Focused on women entrepreneurs, the dissertation had sought to examine how microfinance influences their success.
“Microfinancing exists in every country. Though meant for the larger population, a special focus should be given to women entrepreneurs because they are capable of not only uplifting their own family’s social standing but also contributing towards the national economy.”
He believes that the findings of his research will help institutions as well as policymakers identify effective ways of utilizing microfinancing’s resources.
“Generally, women everywhere contribute less to the labour force than do their male counterparts. Enhancing their contribution is vital. Given a women-majority population, imagine the potential upsurge in the Sri Lankan economy if its womenfolk receive more opportunities for entrepreneurship. My recommendations in ‘Entrepreneurial Success for Women of the Microfinance Sector in Sri Lanka’ can be generalized for many other countries with similar socio-economic conditions,” he explains.
The transition to the world of academia had been a childhood dream of Dr Kingsley Bernard.
“Sharing knowledge with the younger generation is always a rewarding experience. I belong to a family of educationists, made up of two highly respected teachers as parents. They retired in the 70’s, but experience gained through student leadership during my undergraduate years lived on to fuel the joy and satisfaction I feel in teaching,” he says.
With an MBA from the University of Colombo, a postgraduate diploma in International Marketing from USA’s Colorado State University, a Bachelor of Science (Mathematics and Statistics) from the University of Jaffna, and a Diploma in Computer Systems Design from CICC Japan, why Management and Science University for the Doctor of Philosophy (Management/Business)?
“MSU enjoys a high academic reputation in the Sri Lankan education circle. It has a quality system in place and an impressive iGoT, which ensured completion of my doctoral studies on time – in three years. That the University is also Asia’s first to be recognized internationally by ACEEU as Entrepreneurial and Engaged, and has been acclaimed by the Ministry of Education as Malaysia’s Most Entrepreneurial Private University, there really is nowhere better for me to go to or look any farther,” quips Digo Thalattaniralalage Bernard Kingsley, PhD.
MSU Master in Business Administration
MSU Master in International Business
MSU Bachelor in Islamic Finance (Hons)
MSU Bachelor of Science in Mechanical Engineering (Honours)
MSU Bachelor of Science in Aviation Management and Piloting (Hons)
Cars and all things mechanical or motorized are his passion. But so are conviction, commitment, courage, and care; all which make up his compass in life. Coming into academia from the corporate world is Dr Digo Thalattaniralalage Kingsley Bernard.
Currently a Senior Lecturer at the Sri Lanka Institute of Information Technology (SLIIT) Faculty of Business, Dr Kingsley Bernard carries a wealth of experience from his former tenure as CEO at Dankotuwa Porcelain PLC – a Sri Lankan/Japanese collaboration that has for three consecutive years been awarded Most Outstanding Exporter by Sri Lanka’s National Chamber of Exporters. His doctoral dissertation at the MSU Graduate School of Management (GSM) aims to shine a light on what he deems an important sector of the Sri Lankan economy – entrepreneurship microfinancing. Focused on women entrepreneurs, the dissertation had sought to examine how microfinance influences their success.
“Microfinancing exists in every country. Though meant for the larger population, a special focus should be given to women entrepreneurs because they are capable of not only uplifting their own family’s social standing but also contributing towards the national economy.”
He believes that the findings of his research will help institutions as well as policymakers identify effective ways of utilizing microfinancing’s resources.
“Generally, women everywhere contribute less to the labour force than do their male counterparts. Enhancing their contribution is vital. Given a women-majority population, imagine the potential upsurge in the Sri Lankan economy if its womenfolk receive more opportunities for entrepreneurship. My recommendations in ‘Entrepreneurial Success for Women of the Microfinance Sector in Sri Lanka’ can be generalized for many other countries with similar socio-economic conditions,” he explains.
The transition to the world of academia had been a childhood dream of Dr Kingsley Bernard.
“Sharing knowledge with the younger generation is always a rewarding experience. I belong to a family of educationists, made up of two highly respected teachers as parents. They retired in the 70’s, but experience gained through student leadership during my undergraduate years lived on to fuel the joy and satisfaction I feel in teaching,” he says.
With an MBA from the University of Colombo, a postgraduate diploma in International Marketing from USA’s Colorado State University, a Bachelor of Science (Mathematics and Statistics) from the University of Jaffna, and a Diploma in Computer Systems Design from CICC Japan, why Management and Science University for the Doctor of Philosophy (Management/Business)?
“MSU enjoys a high academic reputation in the Sri Lankan education circle. It has a quality system in place and an impressive iGoT, which ensured completion of my doctoral studies on time – in three years. That the University is also Asia’s first to be recognized internationally by ACEEU as Entrepreneurial and Engaged, and has been acclaimed by the Ministry of Education as Malaysia’s Most Entrepreneurial Private University, there really is nowhere better for me to go to or look any farther,” quips Digo Thalattaniralalage Bernard Kingsley, PhD.
MSU Master in Business Administration
MSU Master in International Business
MSU Bachelor in Islamic Finance (Hons)
MSU Bachelor of Science in Mechanical Engineering (Honours)
MSU Bachelor of Science in Aviation Management and Piloting (Hons)