Ensure healthy lives and promote well-being for all at all ages.
Health is a fundamental human right. The goal of SDG – 3 is to ensure healthy lives and promote wellbeing for all at all ages. MSU sets the initiatives through continuous efforts undertaken to promote holistic wellbeing in the aspects of physical and mental wellbeing. Dance2Donate Zumba inspires MSU-rians to keep fit and the opportunity to give back to society. The importance of self-awareness is emphasized in promoting good health and wellbeing through initiatives to advocate individuals’ wellbeing such as Nicotine Awareness and Prevention and Mental Health Awareness Campaign are crucial to foster help seeking behavior in the aspects of recognition and the prevention concerning various physical and mental health issues. The significance of good health and wellbeing is demonstrated during the pandemic period through various efforts: (i) Mask on Us campaign is the initiative taken to promote mask-wearing through community engagement project and (ii) PaCE or Partnership for Covid Elimination is a collaborative effort taken to increase the coverage on COVID-19 vaccination to help in flattening the covid curve during the pandemic.