THE Impact Rankings 2022
Management and Science University (MSU) has risen 200 rungs on the Times Higher Education (THE) Impact Rankings 2022.

Placing at World 401-600 overall this year on the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) metric, MSU also rose in scores across SDG 3’s Good Health and Wellbeing, 4’s Quality Education, and 17’s Partnerships for the Goals.

Topping the rise in ranks for Management and Science University on the sustainability achievement is Goal 5, which places MSU at World Top 101-200 for Gender Equality.
Empowering all women and girls, Management and Science University boasts a female-to-male ratio of 3 to 2 among its student body – eighteen percent of which comprises international students

Quality Education is ensured in all inclusivity and equitability at MSU, with 10.1 students per academic member of staff and a string of global recognitions.

The Times HigherEd Impact Rankings 2022 for Management and Science University (MSU) remains at World 201-200 for Zero Poverty and World 301-400 for Quality Education.

THE Impact Rankings 2022 places MSU at World 401-600 for both Good Health and Well-being as well as Partnerships for the Goals.