Management and Science University (MSU) with strategic partner Affin Islamic Bank presented 754 students with zakat and duit raya recently.
Six received zakat for their programme fees at MSU, 625 the MSU-Affin zakat duit raya, and 123 the Affin zakat duit raya.
Six hundred and thirty-one received the MSU-Affin zakat and duit raya; 116 from the Faculty of Business Management and Professional Studies (FBMP), 106 from the Faculty of Information Sciences and Engineering (FISE), 92 from the School of Hospitality and Creative Arts (SHCA), 73 from the School of Education and Social Sciences (SESS), 65 from the Faculty of Health and Life Sciences (FHLS), 50 from the International Medical School (IMS), 37 from the School of Pharmacy (SPH), 1 from the Graduate School of Management (GSM), and 91 from MSU College (MSUC) Shah Alam and MSUC Seremban as well as MSU Learning Centre (MLC).
Affin Islamic Bank also presented a hundred thousand Ringgit to MSU Foundation Yayasan MSU (YMSU); another RM61,500 in zakat to asnaf students; and another RM38,500 in support of the MSU Myopia Screening, Prevention and Intervention Management (MySPINES) project at the MSU Centre of Excellence for Vision and Eyecare, i-CARE.
Present to witness presentation of the mock cheques was MSU president Professor Tan Sri Dato’ Wira Dr Mohd Shukri Ab Yajid, who received a token of appreciation from YMSU scholars representing the 3,000 currently receiving sponsorship of their studies at Management and Science University (MSU).
Giving and Grateful, in GPS Ramadan
Building big hearts with Zakat
Management and Science University (MSU) with strategic partner Affin Islamic Bank presented 754 students with zakat and duit raya recently.
Six received zakat for their programme fees at MSU, 625 the MSU-Affin zakat duit raya, and 123 the Affin zakat duit raya.
Six hundred and thirty-one received the MSU-Affin zakat and duit raya; 116 from the Faculty of Business Management and Professional Studies (FBMP), 106 from the Faculty of Information Sciences and Engineering (FISE), 92 from the School of Hospitality and Creative Arts (SHCA), 73 from the School of Education and Social Sciences (SESS), 65 from the Faculty of Health and Life Sciences (FHLS), 50 from the International Medical School (IMS), 37 from the School of Pharmacy (SPH), 1 from the Graduate School of Management (GSM), and 91 from MSU College (MSUC) Shah Alam and MSUC Seremban as well as MSU Learning Centre (MLC).
Affin Islamic Bank also presented a hundred thousand Ringgit to MSU Foundation Yayasan MSU (YMSU); another RM61,500 in zakat to asnaf students; and another RM38,500 in support of the MSU Myopia Screening, Prevention and Intervention Management (MySPINES) project at the MSU Centre of Excellence for Vision and Eyecare, i-CARE.
Present to witness presentation of the mock cheques was MSU president Professor Tan Sri Dato’ Wira Dr Mohd Shukri Ab Yajid, who received a token of appreciation from YMSU scholars representing the 3,000 currently receiving sponsorship of their studies at Management and Science University (MSU).
Giving and Grateful, in GPS Ramadan
Building big hearts with Zakat