Thirteen students of Management and Science University (MSU) have begun their virtual Global Mobility Programme (GMP) this September.
Joining local students at Hokkaido University from their Bachelor of Pharmacy (Hons) programme are Nur Shafiqah Hassan Hussin and Toh Poh Yuen.
The duo, from MSU’s Faculty of Health and Life Sciences (FHLS), form the first group to go on GMP to the Japanese university.
Eleven from the Bachelor in Forensic Science (Hons) programme at FHLS are attending virtual classes at Universitas Airlangga (UNAIR), Indonesia.
MSUrians lead best presentations in Japanese Safety Management
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Thirteen students of Management and Science University (MSU) have begun their virtual Global Mobility Programme (GMP) this September.
Joining local students at Hokkaido University from their Bachelor of Pharmacy (Hons) programme are Nur Shafiqah Hassan Hussin and Toh Poh Yuen.
The duo, from MSU’s Faculty of Health and Life Sciences (FHLS), form the first group to go on GMP to the Japanese university.
Eleven from the Bachelor in Forensic Science (Hons) programme at FHLS are attending virtual classes at Universitas Airlangga (UNAIR), Indonesia.
MSUrians lead best presentations in Japanese Safety Management
A Japanese learning experience for two siblings
Making biomedical waves in Japan
For victory in cybersecurity, add liberty