Presenter Guideline

A. Oral Presentation
  • Mode of presentation is synchronous. The duration of the presentation is 10 mins and 5 mins for Q & A.
  • The presentation file (PowerPoint) should be submitted to the website conference system before 10th May 2023.
  • Original research article: The contents of the oral presentation should include: Abstract, Introduction, Methodology, Results & Discussion, Conclusions & Recommendations.
  • Review article: The contents of the oral presentation should include an Abstract & Introduction, Support & Opinion, Conclusion & Recommendation, Overall Presentation and Q & A.
  • Overall presentation such as attire, creativity, confidence, voice and command of audience attention should be emphasized.
  • The presenter is enthusiastic and has a deep understanding of the research.
B. Poster Presentation
  • Mode of presentation is synchronous. The poster presentation is between 5 to 8 mins.
  • The poster must be in portrait orientation size A1.
  • The contents of the poster should include:
  • For original research paper: Title, Name of authors and Affiliation, Abstract, Introduction, Objectives, Methodology, Results & Discussion, Conclusions, and Recommendation.
  • Review paper: Title, Name of authors and Affiliation, Abstract, Introduction, Support & Opinion, Conclusion, and Overall Presentation.
  • Well-organized presentation (graphs, tables, figures, etc).