Designed to support teaching and learning for the MSU community, the MSU LRC offers a range of spaces for individual and collaborative use. The LRC has three levels, and all levels offer free wireless internet access to users.

The Cyberstation is equipped with 35 computers for users to complete assignments and browse the internet.

Digital Presentation Room:
This room is provided for users to conduct presentations for assignments or projects.

Discussion / Seminar Room:
There are 5 discussion rooms and 4 seminar rooms, each available for a maximum of 2 hours per entry. Room reservations must be made at the Circulation Counter.

Education & Entertainment Room:
This room is available for users to relax and unwind. Users can enjoy karaoke, watch movies, and play board games inside this room.

Laptop Charging Area:
Users can charge their laptops or mobile phones at the designated areas on level 5 and level 6.

Leisure Area:
The leisure area is located on level 5, where users can read newspapers and magazines.

Library Café:
The Library Café is located on level 5.

My Chill Space:
My Chill Space is a designated area for users to relax and unwind.

My Learning Space:
My Learning Space is another reading area available in the library.

My Project Space:
This room is available for users to work on their maker space activities or project assignments.

Newspaper & Magazine Area:
Users can read newspapers and magazines on level 5.

Open Reading Area:
This reading area provides a conducive environment for users.

Photocopy Machine:
This facility is located on level 5 of the library.

Post Graduate Room:
This room is reserved for postgraduate students. Room reservations and key retrieval are available at the Circulation Counter.

Private Reading Area:
The private reading area is located on level 6 and provides more than 100 individual cubicles.

Research Point:
This room is provided for researchers to complete their research projects.

Research & Information Consultation Room:
Users who need assistance from the librarian may refer to this room, which is located on level 5 and level 6.

Seminar Hall:
The Seminar Hall is located on level 7 and can accommodate 70 users.

WebOPAC Terminal:
Users can use this terminal to search for library materials. WebOPAC terminals are available on all levels.

Wireless Broadband Facilities – Internet Access:
The library area is equipped with WiFi facilities. Users need to register their devices before they can use this facility.