Management and Science University (MSU) has held its fifth Entrepreneurship Week.


Themed ‘Reinventing the Sustainability of Malaysia’s Entrepreneurship Ecosystem’, the annual flagship programme by the Faculty of Business Management and Professional Studies (FBMP) was jointly launched with the MSU Mangrove Conservation Project.



Launching the MSU Entrepreneurship Week 5.0 in the Chancellor Hall was Vice-Chancellor Professor Puan Sri Datuk Dr Junainah Abd Hamid.


Filled with activities such as industry talks, sharing sessions, a conference, and a symposium, MSU Entrepreneurship Week 5.0 also held several competitions.


Entrepreneurship Merdeka Hunt, which drew the participation of a hundred 5th-form students, was won by SMK Alam Megah.


Everyone emerged a winner in FBMP’s Merdeka Patriotic Painting competition, which gave the prizes away to all twenty participating orphans from Rumah Kebajikan Al-Firdaus.



Twenty teams participated in the FBMP Major Mentoring Event; which offered prizes for Best Teamwork, Most Supporting, Most Creative, and Best Alliance on top of the first to third places and consolation prizes.


Exhibition Decoration, held at U-Plaza, attracted participation from both MSUpreneurs and external vendors alike. Winning in the category of Unipreneur was Bachelor of Medical Science (Hons) student Ainin Suffiya of MSU International Medical School (IMS); in Jumpstart, Bachelor in Entrepreneurship (Hons) student Nuha Ahmad Fadhil of Nuhae Enterprise; and in Entrepreneurship, Bachelor in International Business (Hons) student Nurul Shafika Ghani of FBMP.


Interactive Board Games had three winners each in the Muamalat and Cash Flow categories.


Muamalat winners comprised Bachelor in Accountancy (Hons) students Vinothini Rajendran in first place, Tivyasri Gunasegaran in second, and Santhia Barathy Parithy Thasan in third; whilst Cash Flow had Bachelor in Accounting and Finance (Hons) student Nur Afiqah Waqadiah Tan Muslini Tan in first place, Bachelor in Accountancy (Hons) student Siti Azrina Faziera Rizam in second, and Diploma in Logistics Management student Ahtiishvaran Selvaraja in third.



The launch of the MSU Entrepreneurship Week 2022 and Mangrove Conservation Project concluded with five from MSU’s Sekolah Bina Insan receiving a Hope Box each from MSU Vice-Chancellor Professor Puan Sri Datuk Dr Junainah Abd Hamid.




Jump$tart launch for MSUpreneurs

Jump$hop for MSUpreneurs

Jump$hop to success

Entrepreneurship Week 2020

Entrepreneurship Week 2019

FMM Selangor Young Entrepreneur Programme 2019

Two wins to MSU in Innovation Entrepreneur Competition 2019

MSU President is SEBA 2019 EduPreneur of the Year

MSU President accepts Entrepreneur of the Year Award at APEA 2017

MSU hosts national launch of Bulan Keusahawanan Siswa 2017

MSU is Asia's first internationally recognized entrepreneurial university

ACEEU Asia-Pacific Entrepreneurship Award to MSU

Top 10 in Malaysia for Business and Management Studies on QS WUR by Subject 2022

MSU Innovation and Entrepeneurship Sandbox launched

MSU-FMM conference inspires next-gen entrepreneurs

5 reasons to become a student entrepreneur

A social purpose in entrepreneurship

MSU Diploma in Entrepreneurship

MSU Diploma in Islamic Banking

MSU Diploma in Islamic Finance

MSU Bachelor in Islamic Banking (Hons)

MSU Bachelor in Islamic Finance (Hons)

MSU Bachelor in Islamic Management (Hons)

MSU Bachelor in Takaful (Hons)


Management and Science University (MSU) has held its fifth Entrepreneurship Week.


Themed ‘Reinventing the Sustainability of Malaysia’s Entrepreneurship Ecosystem’, the annual flagship programme by the Faculty of Business Management and Professional Studies (FBMP) was jointly launched with the MSU Mangrove Conservation Project.



Launching the MSU Entrepreneurship Week 5.0 in the Chancellor Hall was Vice-Chancellor Professor Puan Sri Datuk Dr Junainah Abd Hamid.


Filled with activities such as industry talks, sharing sessions, a conference, and a symposium, MSU Entrepreneurship Week 5.0 also held several competitions.


Entrepreneurship Merdeka Hunt, which drew the participation of a hundred 5th-form students, was won by SMK Alam Megah.


Everyone emerged a winner in FBMP’s Merdeka Patriotic Painting competition, which gave the prizes away to all twenty participating orphans from Rumah Kebajikan Al-Firdaus.



Twenty teams participated in the FBMP Major Mentoring Event; which offered prizes for Best Teamwork, Most Supporting, Most Creative, and Best Alliance on top of the first to third places and consolation prizes.


Exhibition Decoration, held at U-Plaza, attracted participation from both MSUpreneurs and external vendors alike. Winning in the category of Unipreneur was Bachelor of Medical Science (Hons) student Ainin Suffiya of MSU International Medical School (IMS); in Jumpstart, Bachelor in Entrepreneurship (Hons) student Nuha Ahmad Fadhil of Nuhae Enterprise; and in Entrepreneurship, Bachelor in International Business (Hons) student Nurul Shafika Ghani of FBMP.


Interactive Board Games had three winners each in the Muamalat and Cash Flow categories.


Muamalat winners comprised Bachelor in Accountancy (Hons) students Vinothini Rajendran in first place, Tivyasri Gunasegaran in second, and Santhia Barathy Parithy Thasan in third; whilst Cash Flow had Bachelor in Accounting and Finance (Hons) student Nur Afiqah Waqadiah Tan Muslini Tan in first place, Bachelor in Accountancy (Hons) student Siti Azrina Faziera Rizam in second, and Diploma in Logistics Management student Ahtiishvaran Selvaraja in third.



The launch of the MSU Entrepreneurship Week 2022 and Mangrove Conservation Project concluded with five from MSU’s Sekolah Bina Insan receiving a Hope Box each from MSU Vice-Chancellor Professor Puan Sri Datuk Dr Junainah Abd Hamid.




Jump$tart launch for MSUpreneurs

Jump$hop for MSUpreneurs

Jump$hop to success

Entrepreneurship Week 2020

Entrepreneurship Week 2019

FMM Selangor Young Entrepreneur Programme 2019

Two wins to MSU in Innovation Entrepreneur Competition 2019

MSU President is SEBA 2019 EduPreneur of the Year

MSU President accepts Entrepreneur of the Year Award at APEA 2017

MSU hosts national launch of Bulan Keusahawanan Siswa 2017

MSU is Asia's first internationally recognized entrepreneurial university

ACEEU Asia-Pacific Entrepreneurship Award to MSU

Top 10 in Malaysia for Business and Management Studies on QS WUR by Subject 2022

MSU Innovation and Entrepeneurship Sandbox launched

MSU-FMM conference inspires next-gen entrepreneurs

5 reasons to become a student entrepreneur

A social purpose in entrepreneurship

MSU Diploma in Entrepreneurship

MSU Diploma in Islamic Banking

MSU Diploma in Islamic Finance

MSU Bachelor in Islamic Banking (Hons)

MSU Bachelor in Islamic Finance (Hons)

MSU Bachelor in Islamic Management (Hons)

MSU Bachelor in Takaful (Hons)