Starting up in hard times can be difficult. The pressure in getting anything new to pan out quickly post-launch can interrupt innovation. Yet a down market is the very ground for innovation to proliferate. And trusting gut-feeling, going ahead, are part and parcel to entrepreneurial innovation.


From energy and the environment to healthcare and the marginalized, the largest challenges will require business to be part of the solution. As the world’s problems grow more complex, more students are seeing their education as a stepping-stone to creating social change by creating a business. Management and Science University (MSU) supports them by fostering an ecosystem where new businesses can succeed and entrepreneurs can take crucial risks.




A management approach to building entrepreneurial savvy


The MSU Jump$hop programme is the latest introduction to the award-winning ecosystem blueprint for entrepreneurship at MSU. Providing space for MSU students to set up shop on campus, Jump$hop is open to all MSUrians past and present. Facilitated by the MSU Business Enterprise Development (BED) unit, MSU Jump$hop complements the MSU Jump$tart programme launched in 2016.


Jump$tart launch for MSUpreneurs


MSU's Jump$tarters share something in common: a great idea for a company, and a desire to make it work. Not only do they have access to a revolving seed fund, incubator facilities, industry visits, sharing sessions and masterclasses with renown entrepreneurs, they also receive holistic help across all aspects of running a business.


Masterclass Graduation for MSU’s student entrepreneurs


From registering and developing their business, to accounting, finance, taxation, networking, and marketing (online as well as on social media), the know-how is delivered through guidance and counselling by the MSU Leadership and Entrepreneurship Advancement and Development (LEAD) Institute. 


MSU Bachelor in Accountancy (Hons)

MSU Diploma in Accounting

MSU Bachelor in Finance (Hons)

MSU Bachelor in Accounting and Finance (Hons)



Together towards a better future for all


Industries feature largely in the MSU entrepreneurship ecosystem. Well-represented onboard MSU’s University-Industry Advisory Panel (UIAP), their smart partnership with Management and Science University (MSU) ensures a well-rounded learning experience for aspiring MSUpreneurs.



MSU-FMM conference inspires next-gen entrepreneurs

MSUrians make inaugural contenders in FMM Selangor Young Entrepreneur Programme 2019

MSU Entrepreneurship Week 2020

MSU Entrepreneurship Week 2019



Entrepreneurship at MSU


A popular quote in the business world likens entrepreneurship to raising children; it starts with a moment of enthusiasm, followed by decades of hard work. Fortunately, in its pursuit of a business opportunity beyond one’s immediately available resources, entrepreneurship is something that can be taught.


Offered as Bachelor and Diploma programmes of study at MSU, entrepreneurship is a multi-disciplinary culture embedded across all the University’s three faculties, six schools, and Centre for Fundamental Studies; a driving spirit shaping entrepreneurial mindsets at Malaysia’s Most Entrepreneurial Private University 2016.



Two wins to MSU in Innovation Entrepreneur Competition 2019


Management and Science University (MSU) is also Asia’s first to be recognized internationally as an entrepreneurial university. MSU bagged the Lifetime Achievement in Entrepreneurship title at the ACEEU Asia-Pacific Triple-E Entrepreneurship Awards 2020, and was shortlisted as Finalist for the Entrepreneurial University of the Year and Student-Driven Sustainability Project of the Year by the Accreditation Council for Entrepreneurial and Engaged Universities (ACEEU) based in the Netherlands.


Leading the University in transforming lives, enriching future is none other than its President and Founder, Asia Pacific Entrepreneur of the Year in the Education Industry 2017 and SEBA Education Entrepreneur of the Year 2019, Professor Tan Sri Dato’ Wira Dr Mohd Shukri Ab Yajid.


Read more about MSUpreneurs in …

A social purpose in entrepreneurship

His path less travelled

Soul accounting

Food forward

Logistic logic

A chemistry with caring

A beautiful world



Starting up in hard times can be difficult. The pressure in getting anything new to pan out quickly post-launch can interrupt innovation. Yet a down market is the very ground for innovation to proliferate. And trusting gut-feeling, going ahead, are part and parcel to entrepreneurial innovation.


From energy and the environment to healthcare and the marginalized, the largest challenges will require business to be part of the solution. As the world’s problems grow more complex, more students are seeing their education as a stepping-stone to creating social change by creating a business. Management and Science University (MSU) supports them by fostering an ecosystem where new businesses can succeed and entrepreneurs can take crucial risks.




A management approach to building entrepreneurial savvy


The MSU Jump$hop programme is the latest introduction to the award-winning ecosystem blueprint for entrepreneurship at MSU. Providing space for MSU students to set up shop on campus, Jump$hop is open to all MSUrians past and present. Facilitated by the MSU Business Enterprise Development (BED) unit, MSU Jump$hop complements the MSU Jump$tart programme launched in 2016.


Jump$tart launch for MSUpreneurs


MSU's Jump$tarters share something in common: a great idea for a company, and a desire to make it work. Not only do they have access to a revolving seed fund, incubator facilities, industry visits, sharing sessions and masterclasses with renown entrepreneurs, they also receive holistic help across all aspects of running a business.


Masterclass Graduation for MSU’s student entrepreneurs


From registering and developing their business, to accounting, finance, taxation, networking, and marketing (online as well as on social media), the know-how is delivered through guidance and counselling by the MSU Leadership and Entrepreneurship Advancement and Development (LEAD) Institute. 


MSU Bachelor in Accountancy (Hons)

MSU Diploma in Accounting

MSU Bachelor in Finance (Hons)

MSU Bachelor in Accounting and Finance (Hons)



Together towards a better future for all


Industries feature largely in the MSU entrepreneurship ecosystem. Well-represented onboard MSU’s University-Industry Advisory Panel (UIAP), their smart partnership with Management and Science University (MSU) ensures a well-rounded learning experience for aspiring MSUpreneurs.



MSU-FMM conference inspires next-gen entrepreneurs

MSUrians make inaugural contenders in FMM Selangor Young Entrepreneur Programme 2019

MSU Entrepreneurship Week 2020

MSU Entrepreneurship Week 2019



Entrepreneurship at MSU


A popular quote in the business world likens entrepreneurship to raising children; it starts with a moment of enthusiasm, followed by decades of hard work. Fortunately, in its pursuit of a business opportunity beyond one’s immediately available resources, entrepreneurship is something that can be taught.


Offered as Bachelor and Diploma programmes of study at MSU, entrepreneurship is a multi-disciplinary culture embedded across all the University’s three faculties, six schools, and Centre for Fundamental Studies; a driving spirit shaping entrepreneurial mindsets at Malaysia’s Most Entrepreneurial Private University 2016.



Two wins to MSU in Innovation Entrepreneur Competition 2019


Management and Science University (MSU) is also Asia’s first to be recognized internationally as an entrepreneurial university. MSU bagged the Lifetime Achievement in Entrepreneurship title at the ACEEU Asia-Pacific Triple-E Entrepreneurship Awards 2020, and was shortlisted as Finalist for the Entrepreneurial University of the Year and Student-Driven Sustainability Project of the Year by the Accreditation Council for Entrepreneurial and Engaged Universities (ACEEU) based in the Netherlands.


Leading the University in transforming lives, enriching future is none other than its President and Founder, Asia Pacific Entrepreneur of the Year in the Education Industry 2017 and SEBA Education Entrepreneur of the Year 2019, Professor Tan Sri Dato’ Wira Dr Mohd Shukri Ab Yajid.


Read more about MSUpreneurs in …

A social purpose in entrepreneurship

His path less travelled

Soul accounting

Food forward

Logistic logic

A chemistry with caring

A beautiful world